Dominant cloud microphysical processes of a torrential rainfall event in Sichuan, China |
Huang Yongjie |
2015 |
Moisture sources of torrential rainfall events in the Sichuan Basin of China during summers of 2009?13 |
Huang Yongjie |
2015 |
“碧利斯”(0604)暴雨过程不同类型降水云微物理特征分析 |
汪亚萍 |
2015 |
大气科学 |
动力因子对2006年“碧利斯”台风暴雨的诊断分析 |
汪亚萍 |
2015 |
大气科学 |
The Seasonal and Interannual Variation of Diurnal Precipitation over theTibetan Plateau and Its Downstream Regions Observed by the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission |
胡亮 |
2015 |
The impact of Guizhou topography on the distribution of freezing rain in early January 2011 |
邓涤菲 |
2015 |
quarterly journal of the royal meteorological society |
Advances in Cloud Physics andWeather Modification in China |
Guo Xueliang |
2015 |
北京地区城市环境对云和降水影响的个例数值模拟研究 |
陈卫东 |
2015 |
地球物理学进展 |
北京及周边城市气溶胶污染对城市降水的影响 |
陈卫东 |
2015 |
科学通报 |
A case study of aerosol impacts on summer convective clouds and precipitation over northern China |
Guo Xueliang |
2014 |
Atmospheric Research |
Evaluation of radar and atutomatic weather station data assimilation for a heavy rainfall event in Southern China |
侯团结 |
2015 |
光阻法成像仪的前端信号调理电路设计 |
黄敏松 |
2015 |
仪表技术与传感器 |
基于光电二极管阵列的成像测量系统设计及其应用 |
黄敏松 |
2015 |
量子电子学报 |
基于LabVIEW图形化语言的云降水粒子图像回放软件 |
黄敏松 |
2015 |
气象科技 |
An Analysis of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in China during 2010–13 |
Yang Xinlin |
2015 |
Weather and Forecasting |